Sunday, September 30, 2007

Weekend Special: Feist - Remixes

If you are a frequent flyer (and even if you're not), chances are you already know all you should know about her. Canadian indie songstress who crossed over to the mainstream this year by a couple of ridiculously joyful song-and-dance music videos? She's the center stage of this weekend special. First, here are some nice remixes of The Reminder era, all of which you may have heard already. So if you just want to take one track from this post, make it the delightful Audience Honey remix of 'Inside And Out'. I was a bit pissed off when I realized they didn't include any remixes for her better-than-the-original Bee Gees cover on 'Open Season', and then I found this one, which was beyond my expectations. It's a classy, groovy one. Enjoy your weekend.

Feist - 1234 (VanShe Technologic Remix)
Feist - Sealion (Chromeo Remix)
Feist - Gatekeeper (Pocketknife's Faded Beach Towel Remix)
Feist - Inside And Out (The Audience Honey Remix)

The Reminder (ha ha): one day left and the giveaway for a copy of The Crystal Method's 10-year-anniversary Deluxe Edition of 'Vegas' is over. If you haven't entered, do it real soon!


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