Saturday, November 24, 2007

Singing Daisies

There should be a scientific research on whether watching too much of Pushing Daisies might widen your eyes, like those of anime characters. Because I think it might be affecting me. Seriously, I've never felt this way about a show ever since Buffy. And that meant a LOT. And this is coming from the same person who used to change the channel immediately after just a few minutes viewing Wonderfalls because it was too 'quirky'. This show just brings a much-needed little sunshine into my chaotic, dysfunctional life. Too bad it looks like a Christmas episode is out of the question, since episode 9 is supposed to be the season finale, due to the complications of the ongoing writers strike. I was so looking forward to one!
Well, then, since I became such a devoted fan already, I figure I should extract the two numbers recently performed by Kristin & Ellen on the show, whose theatrical talents certainly didn't go to waste. So here they are, in their compressed, glorified mp3 form! If you haven't watched the show, do yourself a favor and give it a try. At least if you turn out to like it, there'll be plenty of time for catching up.

Kristin Chenoweth & Ellen Greene - Birdhouse In Your Soul (They Might Be Giants Cover) /(vid)
Ellen Greene - Morning Has Broken (Cat Stevens Cover) /(vid)

The originals as well, if you're so inclined:
They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse In Your Soul
Cat Stevens - Morning Has Broken

Hope those in the US have been enjoying their Thanksgiving holidays.


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